Overview Overview
Objectives Objectives
Process Process
Courses Courses
Admissions procedure Admissions procedure
Careers Careers
Projects Projects
Testimonials Testimonials


Possessing a wealth of skills and an ability to adapt, a Fashion Stylish can excel in a host of different fields. A Fashion Stylist discovers, anticipates and spots trends. They provide expertise in transforming and personalising garments, accessories and jewellery.


A Fashion Stylist is skilled at creating looks using a variety of styling techniques. They are the visionaries of fashion.

Possessing a wide range of skills and different faces, a Fashion Stylish can excel in a host of different fields. By setting the scene, they seek to showcase a product in a given environment. They create a world (original, poetic, quirky, etc.) that comes from their imagination and is influenced by the latest trends.

The Mastering Fashion Stylist programme includes a 10-week work placement, and students have the opportunity to participate in several events such as exhibitions and TV programmes. In addition, they can work on a range of projects such as photo shoots, advertising campaigns, image consultancy, personal shopping and more.


  • Understanding the value of the individual
  • Analysing verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Detecting fashion trends
  • Studying the principles of branding
  • Defining, managing and controlling a brand image



Admission requirements: Bac+2/+3 and/or equivalent professional experience.

  • Initial training
  • Continuous studies
  • Online/Distance learning
Start dates

Next academic year:

October 2024


The programme runs over one academic year.


Classes are taught over 4 days a week.

  • Administrative fees: €350
  • Plan A (one-off payment): €9,890
  • Plan B (3 instalments): €3,000 first instalment then 2 instalments of €3,445 (i.e. €10,140)
  •  Plan C (payment in 6 instalments): €3,000 first instalment, followed by 5 instalments of €1,478 (i.e. €10,390).
  • Distance learning: €9,090 (plan A only)
  • Continuous assessment
  • Part-time
  • Project
  • Dissertation and oral presentation
  • Community service
  • A minimum of 10/20 must be obtained for each of these criteria and for each course unit.
  • No partial validation of skill modules
  • Mastering Fashion Business
  • Bac+4
  • 240 ECTS
  • “Visual Communication and Brand Image Consultant” (RNCP n° 14588 – level 6)
  • The qualification provides access to the Master’s degree in Fashion & Luxury Management.
Book a call

Make an appointment for an information call now, according to your availability on the EIDM admissions team calendar.


Fashion Industry
Societal and cultural influences in fashion
Sustainable fashion
History of contemporary fashion
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Fashion management
360° Communications
Marketing & digital communications
Entrepreneurial skills
Achats & sourcing
English & Soft skills
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Fashion styling
Fashion illustration
Colorimetry and body shapes
Brand identity
Stylism & gestion de collections
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Opening of the Admissions procedure

Find out more about our Admissions procedure and apply now!


Fashion stylist

A Fashion Stylist is responsible for spotting, predicting and identifying trends.

Image Specialist

As the guarantor of a company’s image, a Brand Image Consultant employs a range of communication, marketing, image consultancy and fashion skills in their work.

Fashion Assistant

A Fashion Assistant’s role is to support and aid the Artistic Director in their tasks.

Fashion image designer

A Fashion Image Designer is a highly creative individual who works with a brand or an individual to design and promote their DNA and core values.

Learning by Doing

Discover our mastering students’ projects. 

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Success Story

Via notre plateforme Datalumni, nous facilitons l’échange entre nos étudiants et les alumni mais aussi et surtout la diffusion d’informations : offres d’emploi, events de réseautage, etc.

en savoir plus

The campuses

Student projects

Student projects

Tous les projets


Student testimonials
