
Credit Transfer System

The Credit Transcripts (Globally), known as the ECTS Diploma Supplement (in Europe), follows the model developed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. It aims to provide sufficient independent data to increase international “transparency” and to ensure fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications. This includes degrees, university diplomas, certificates, and more. 

 The credit transfer system aims to outline the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies you have successfully completed. This is what proves that you have obtained an International degree. 

 For example, 1 year = 60 credits and 1 credit = 25 to 30 hours of work 

 **1969 nomenclature 

Bachelor's Degree Program

These Bac to Bac +3, or Undergraduate, courses are mainly designed for students who wish to pursue a career in the fashion industry.

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Master's Degree Program

These courses from Bac=3 to Bac+5, or graduate, these 2nd cycle courses from Bac+3 to Bac+5, or also graduate, are specialized sectors for fashion and luxury companies.

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Post-Graduate Mastering Program

These Bac+3 to Bac+4 courses, or mastering, are intended for people in transition or professional retraining and who wish to specialize in the fashion and luxury sectors.

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Short Courses

EIDM Short Course Programs aim to provide all fashion lovers with an overview of this industry and its possibilities. They will allow you to express your talents over a short and intense period!

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