Overview Overview
Objectives Objectives
Process Process
Courses Courses
Admissions procedure Admissions procedure
Careers Careers
Projets Projets
Témoignages Témoignages


The Bachelor’s degree in Fashion Art Direction & Styling is a dual-competency qualification. It enables students to learn how to convey an emotion, a feeling or a concept using the most suitable visual medium, and to assess how it is perceived by the target audience. The student becomes the architect of the image and the custodian of the values conveyed by a brand.


After gaining a solid background in styling (styling excluding clothing design), this 3-year course aims to explore the various areas of the Fashion industry where managing the creative process is key to the profession. Students are encouraged to develop their own ideas and experiences in producing a wide array of visual content, including fashion editorials, viral videos, brand image and makeover projects, interactive campaigns, print advertising and social media material.

Several work placement periods are included in the Fashion Art Direction & Styling Bachelor’s programme during Fashion Week and throughout the course. Depending on the year and the student’s experience, they will be given several assignments related to their studies and career objectives.

  • Bachelor’s degree 1st year: Two one-week internships (Fashion Week) and one 2-month work placement from April to June.
  • Bachelor’s 2nd year: A one-week work placement (Fashion Week) and a 4-month work placement from March to June
  • Bachelor’s 3rd year: A 6-month work placement from January to June


  • Understanding a fashion brand and its DNA
  • Analysing trends, market developments and competitors’ activities
  • Integrating and fostering creative thinking and analytical skills
  • Developing expertise in brand image creation
  • Building knowledge of materials and visual communication techniques
  • Assessing a fashion design project’s background and requirements
  • Managing and tracking the production of a fashion project
  • Devising and putting forward working hypotheses for a fashion design project
  • Developing collaborations and communications within a team
  • Using leadership skills to promote team management
  • Providing artistic direction for a fashion show, magazine or event
  • Communicating the right message visually, at the right time, to the right target audience
  • Developing the creative and critical mind


  • First-year Bachelor’s degree: Post-bac admission or equivalent
  • BTS or a level 5 RNCP qualification in Applied Arts or a related field.
  • A good command of graphic design software.
  • A sound knowledge of visual arts and graphic design.
  • Second-year Bachelor’s degree: Admission after validating the first year (60 ECTS) and a Fashion Foundation course
  • Third-year Bachelor’s degree: Admission after a validating two year (120 ECTS) and a Fashion Foundation course
  • Initial training
  • Continuous studies
  • Online/Distance learning
  • Work-related training (apprenticeship/professional training contract) from the third year onwards
Start dates

Next academic year:

Bachelor’s degree: Sept/Oct 2024


The programme runs over three academic years

Rhythm of learning

Classes are taught over 4 days a week

The 3rd year of the course can be taken as a sandwich course with distance learning only.

  • Administrative fees: €350
  • Plan A (one-off payment): €8,990
  • Plan B (payment in three instalments):  Initial instalment of €3,000 then two subsequent instalments
  • Plan C (payment in six instalments): Initial instalment of €3,000 then five subsequent instalments
  • Distance learning: €7,990 (plan A only)
  • Continuous assessment
  • Part-time
  • Project
  • Dissertation and oral presentation
  • Community service
  • A minimum of 10/20 must be obtained for each of these criteria and for each course unit
  • No partial validation of skill modules

Validation of the four skill modules is a prerequisite for obtaining certification.

  • Bachelor’s degree in Fashion Art Direction & Styling
  • Bac+3
  • 180 ECTS
  • The qualification provides access to the Master’s degree in Fashion Art & Event Director.
Book a call

Make an appointment for an information call now, according to your availability on the EIDM admissions team calendar.


Year 1/Project - Producing a fashion show
Personal Branding Consultant
Introduction to Human Resources
Sales & negotiation techniques
Influences sociétales et culturelles dans la mode
Histoire des marques et des créateurs
Economie de la mode
La mode à l’international
Communication 360°
Introduction au Marketing
Comptabilité & Gestion 1
Fashion Merchandising 1
Achats & Sourcing
Dessin de mode
Morphologie et colorimétrie
Fashion Design
Brand design
PAO - Photoshop
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Year 2/Project - Producing a magazine
Market research
Setting up a company
International trade
Influences sociétales et culturelles dans la mode
Histoire de la mode contemporaine
Droit des contrats & droit des marques
Stratégie de communication
Marketing avancé
Marketing digital & community management
Comptabilité / Gestion 2
Fashion Merchandising 2
Visual Merchandising
Achats & Sourcing
PAO - InDesign
Communication & leadership
Masterclass & Sorties
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Year 3/Project - Creating a Pop-Up Store
Corporate finance and business planning
Corporate law
Human Resources Management
Gestion des actions commerciales
Fashion Retail Management
Stratégie des entreprises
International Project Management
Sourcing Responsable
New business models
La mode responsable
Fashion Brand Management
Histoire de l’art et de la mode
PAO - Illustrator
Masterclass & Sorties
Elevator pitch
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Opening of the Admissions procedure

Find out more about our Admissions procedure and apply now!


Communications Manager

The Communications Manager assists the Head of Communications in setting up visibility/awareness campaigns for a business.

Artistic Director

A Junior Artistic Director is responsible for the creative vision of a project or brand.

Fashion Event Planner

A Fashion Event Planner is responsible for planning fashion events, such as runway shows, cocktail parties and press parties.


A Stylist is responsible for spotting, predicting and identifying trends.

Trend Forecaster

Constantly on the lookout, a Trend Forecaster or Trend Analyst is responsible for studying market and competitive trends.

Visual Merchandiser

A Visual Merchandiser designs and produces the decor and layout of shop windows, sales areas and displays.

Learning by Doing

Chaque année, les étudiants de l’EIDM organisent un projet professionnel d’envergure : organisation d’un défilé, création d’un magazine, ouverture d’un pop-up store, création d’une marque, direction d’un évènement… Une expérience professionnelle de haut niveau qui met l’accent sur la créativité, l’imagination et l’investissement. Pour donner le meilleur de soi-même !


En savoir plus
Success Story

Nous valorisons le parcours de nos alumni sur une plateforme interne qui répertorie tous nos anciens diplômés et nos étudiants actuels, cela permet un lien direct entre tous les membres de la communauté EIDM : Accès aux offres d’emploi en ligne. Recrutement d’étudiants. Mise en place de conférences de présentation des métiers. Participation aux jurys de soutenance.

En savoir plus

Les campus

Student projects
Student projects

Student projects
Student projects


Student testimonials

How do you get a work placement at Armani?
Marie-Eléonore shares her experience!
Cursus Fashion Business : Interview de Marion
Marion, étudiante en Bachelor 1 Fashion Business, nous partage en exclusivité son expérience dans son cursus.